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Wind is rising
Galleria Loisti

At long last I upgraded my exoskeleton to have nasal tubes fuming scent of jasmine. Proof of extremely heavy matter.
Neighboring cave collapsed last week, no end in sight, the insects keep on coming.
Everyone has wings now and the suns are crying 
But me, I am just an old miner, listening to rocks
Sometimes naps inside hadron collider turn dreams into sour juice and bloodlust.
Watermills saw me by the river and I drank the oceans, mechanic heartache or not
I long to have pear longbow, life force and chariot of fire
Gackt Camui is a 484 year old vampire
Who shot the aimless arrows, and more so – where? 
turns out Horses have build  their cities all over western hemisphere
AND the Goblins have migrated deeper underground.. Superheavy element confirmed.
So when the shy pilot dances with meteors in the night sky, everything burns 
the iron energy
the calm wind
the soul siphon
the spirit of the beehive

Childish Fantasy
Galleria Loisti

Every place is mysterious
Every memory fabricated
Every scent opens the floodgates
There is strange magic in the air
Childish fantasy..

The exhibition explores the relationship between fantasy worlds and reality, as well as the present moment. The inhabitants of imaginary places navigate everyday life filled with beauty, threat, and possibilities.

Duo Exhibition of
Frans Nybacka & Niklas Sandberg 

Goblin Geology, Troll Romance 
Galleria Huuto

As a child, when I looked at a moss-covered stone wall full of holes and complex structures, I saw a breathtaking multi-layered city of tiny creatures, their homes and mines, gardens and paths, endless possibilities.

The Goblin Geology, Troll Romance exhibition features made-up places and their inhabitants. The works are based on the exciting feeling that there is something very small in a large and complex environment. Imagination influenced by video games produces images of fantastic worlds whose stagnant warmth invites you to join an adventure in front of something remotely familiar, yet unknown.

The places depicted in the paintings can be simultaneously seen from many different perspectives, revealing more than just one side of them. The two- and three-dimensional spaces meet instinctively, forming an incomplete thought of each place with room to grow and wander.

Frames by Patrick Kuoppamäki
Photos by Liina Aalto-Setälä